FAN 18 All Terminals & Honors (32 points)
Nederlands: Alleen Hoek- & Troefstenen
Riichi: honroutou [ 混老頭 ]
Element type: Hand pattern.
The Pair(s), Pungs or Kongs in this hand are all made up of terminal tiles (1 or 9 Number Tiles) and Honor tiles.
You may combine with:
Seven Pairs [19] +24 points
Reversible Tiles [40] +8 points
Half Flush [50] +6 points
Two Dragon Pungs [54] +6 points
Dragon Pung [59] +2 points
Prevalent (Round) Wind Pung [60] +2 points
Seat Wind Pung [61] 2 points
Double Pungs [65] +2 points

All Terminals [8] (implied)
All Honors [11] (implied)
All Pungs [49] (implied)
Outside Hand [55] (implied)
Pung of Terminals or Honors [73] (implied)
Not even 0.2% of all MCR games end with this hand characteristics scoring element.
#handpattern #patternbased #terminalbased #honorbased #luck
source: Mahjong Greenbook MCR Rules 2014 (pdf)