FAN 40 Reversible Tiles (8 points)
Nederlands: Omkeerbare Stenen
Element type: Hand pattern.
A hand created entirely with those tiles which images are vertically symmetrical (Dots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 & 9; Bams: 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9; White Dragon).
May be combined with:
All Green [3] +88 points
All Terminals & Honors [18] +32 points
Full Flush [22] +24 points
Upper Tiles [25] +24 points
Middle Tiles [26] +24 points
Lower Tiles [27] +24 points
Upper Four [36] +12 points
Lower Four [37] +12 points
Half Flush [50] +6 points
All Simples [68] +2 points

One Voided Suit [75] (implied)
Only just over 0.6% of all MCR games end with this scoring element.
#handpattern #skillbased #advanced #symmetry #whitedragon #patternbased #tilepattern
source: Mahjong Greenbook MCR Rules 2014 (pdf)