FAN 49 All Pungs (6 points)
Nederlands: Alleen Pungs (Alleen Pungen)
Element type: Hand pattern.
Hand includes four Pung (Kong) sets and a Pair.
One of the top most frequently used elements.
Being that it only scores 6 points, you will require 2 additional points, but there are quite a few options to obtain these extra points.

Dragon Pung [59] (2 points)
All Simples [68] (2 points)
Pung Prevalent Wind [60] (2 points)
Pung Seat Wind [61] (2 points)
Tile Hog [64] (2 points)
Double Pung [65] (2 points)
2 Concealed Pungs [66] (2 points)
Concealed Kong [67] (2 points)
Outside Hand [55] (4 points)
Pung Terminals or Winds [73] (1 point)
Melded Kong [74] (1 point)
One Voided Suit [75] (1 point)
No Honors [76] (1 point)
Self-Drawn [80] (1 point)
Half Flush [50] (6 points)
Full Flush [22] (24 points)
Combines with other elements as well.
Any scoring elements that:
- Contain Chows / Chow combinations
- Imply 4 Pung/Kong sets.
- Are based on irregular pattern scoring elements.
About 10% of all MCR games end with this scoring element hand characteristic.
#handpattern #patternbased #pungbased #skill #starterset #beginnerset
source: Mahjong Greenbook MCR Rules 2014 (pdf)